Tuesday Maths

Start by warming up and join in with the words and actions to the count to 100 song!


Today we are going to looking at addition. We are going to be adding by counting on. You will need a number line to 20 to help with this. You can use the one attached to yesterday’s Maths work or simply write out your own. Start at 0 and write all the numbers in order, ending at 20.

You will also need to write out some simple additions (without answers!) on separate pieces of paper. Here are some examples you could write out 4 + 5 =, 6 + 2 =, 10 + 4 =, 2 + 5 = and so on. The more confident your child is, the bigger the numbers you should use. Make sure the total does not add up to more than 20. Your child will also need a pencil and paper to write on.

Place all the additions face down on the table or floor. Ask your child to turn one over. Talk about the addition. Ask them to find and point to the first number of the addition on the 0-20 number line. So, if they turn over the addition 4 + 5 =, they point to the number 4. Explain that is the number they are starting on. They now need to use their finger to jump along the number line to add 5. They need to jump along 5 more numbers. It is really important that they do this slowly, landing on and counting each number carefully. I have shown you what I mean on the picture below.

I have drawn an arrow to represent each jump. (you do not need to do this). The number that the child ends on is the answer. In this case, your child will land on number 9 after doing 5 jumps with their finger, so the answer is 9. Ask your child to write out the addition 4 + 5 = 9.

Turn over another card and repeat the process. The picture below shows the example 6 + 2 =. Ask your child to point on the number line to the first number in the addition (6) then add on 2 by jumping along with their finger. The number they finish on is the answer, in this case 8. Again ask your child to write out the addition 6 + 2 = 8.


Continue with this activity so your child has worked out and written out about 10 calculations.

Here is a link to a worksheet you could print off to support this.


If you are able to make a giant child sized number line (using the paper numbers from yesterday) your child could physically jump along the number line to find the answer to additions. We did this in class and they loved it! Hold up one of your addition cards. Your child starts on the first number, physically jumps long the number line to add on the second number and lands on the answer.