Tuesday Maths

Today you will need your 1 -20 (or 1-30) number cards.

Start by showing your child a card and asking them to do that many star jumps/hops/hand claps etc. Repeat a few times.

Ask your child to arrange the cards in order. Perhaps challenge them to try and beat a timer on your phone.

Play the game where you point to a number and your child says what number it is. Move your finger up and down the number line quickly – see if you can catch your child out!

Ask your child to close their eyes. Turn a number card over and place it face down so the number cannot be seen. Ask your child to tell you what number you have turned over. Ask them to explain how they know. You are trying to encourage your child to use language such as “because it is one more than…”  or “because its the next number” or “because it comes in between those numbers” Repeat a few times. Swap roles so that your child turns a card over. You could try guessing the number wrong, how does your child know you are wrong?