Tuesday Maths

Ted and Pup are playing another game today. They are challenging themselves to work on doubles. To start with, they sang the doubles song.

To play the game, Ted and Pup collected a washing up bowl filled with water, 20 pieces of dry pasta (or anything small that will not be damaged in water), number cards 1-10 faced down and some tongs (tweezers will work or even just fingers!)

They have put 20 pieces of pasta in a washing up bowl.

Ted Turned over a number card. He turned over number 3. He had to double this number. He worked out that 3 + 3 = 6. Double 3 is 6. He used the tongs to catch 6 pieces of pasta.

Then Pup had a go. He turned over the number card 2. He worked out that double 2 is 4. 2 + 2 = 4. He used tongs to catch 4 pieces of pasta.

Please play this game with your child. Ask them to turn over a number card, double the number and catch this many items out of the water. If your child is not confident with doubles up to double 10, only use the 1 – 5 number cards.


On Friday, the work set for maths will involve making a fruit salad with your child. Any fruit can be used!