Tuesday Maths

Start by singing along with this Numberblocks song. It is about counting scoops of ice cream!


Now watch this Numberblocks episode by following this link to the BBC iplayer.  https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b08cr24d/numberblocks-series-1-how-to-count

Today you will need number cards to 20 ( or 10 or 30 depending on the confidence of your child) You will also need a small toy or a counter.

Tell your child that you are going to order the numbers. Do this in front of them but deliberately get the number order wrong. Does your child notice? Ask them to help you sort out the numbers so they are in the right order. Can they explain how they know the numbers are in the wrong order and how they know where to put them so the order is right?

Once the cards have been ordered correctly play a game with the toy. Ask your child to put the toy on a certain number. Repeat a number of times. Note if there are any numbers your child is unsure of and reinforce this number with them. Try swapping roles with your child so they tell you a number and you put the toy on that number card. Again, you could get some wrong so your child has to ‘help’ you!

The following game helps with number recognition. It also has an ice cream theme!
