Wednesday 20th January. Expressive Art and Design – Music and Imagination

Here is the story of Noah’s Ark again for you to enjoy.

To join in with the following activity, ask your grown up if you can borrow a towel.

For the final activity you will need some drinking glasses, water and a paintbrush, pencil or spoon to use as a beater.

Noah travelled around the world on his ark. It rained for 40 days and for 40 nights. His ark was floating on flood water. Sometimes the ark would have been being tossed around in very stormy conditions, the water will have been very rough. Here is some stormy music. Move your body to this music. It was composed by Vivaldi. Imagine how you would feel if you were on a boat in a storm. Pretend the towel is the stormy, rough water – how would it be moving? Off you go!

After the storm, it would have been calm. The wind and rain would have eased and Noah’s ark would have been bobbing along. How would you feel now? Would you enjoy being on the ark and floating on the calm waters? Perhaps you would gently rock from side to side or forwards and backwards, up and down. Make the towel move slowly and gently, rippling like calm water. Here is some calm water to move to. This piece of music was composed by Handel.


Which piece of music did you prefer? Did you enjoy making your towel move like rough stormy water or calm gentle water? Talk to your grown up about this.

I wonder if you can make some music using water?

Ask your grown up if you can use some drinking glasses. Please be very careful. Pour a different amount of water into each of the glasses. Then use a spoon, pencil or paintbrush to gently tap the glasses.

Can you hear the different sounds the glasses make? Which make a high note sound? Which make a low note sound?

The little girl in this video plays a well known song using glasses with water in them.


Send me dojo videos of your movements to the stormy and calm music and if you have a go at playing musical glasses!