Wednesday 24th February 2021. Literacy home learning for Clee and Earls Hill Reception (Cygnets)


Good morning Reception children and families!


Here is another chance to listen to and watch the ‘Lost and Found’ story:


Today we are going to read and follow simple captions. Below is a link to some pictures and captions for you to print out to use for the activity. If you are unable to print them out you can draw the boy and the penguin from the story and your grown up can write you simple captions to read and follow. Grown ups – when you have printed out the captions please cut them into strips so that your child can choose one to read at a time. Also cut out the different objects as they will be used singularly in the captions.

For the activity I would like you to choose one of the captions and try to read it. Grown ups – if your child is finding it tricky to read the captions please help them and let them follow out the instruction.

Here is the link and pictures of the resources you need for the activity:

Lost and Found captions   



Today I would also like you to practise the tricky word song:


Also practise writing your name and the names of some of the people and animals who live in your house; remember to use your Fred Talk to help you write the names. 

Please also read a book from Bug Club with someone from your family.


Today the Read Write Inc Phonics have restarted the set 1 sounds. As you have now learned all the set 1 sounds I would like you to choose 5 sounds to practise writing. Can you think of some word which start with the sounds? Are you feeling really clever? Clever enough to write some of the words you’ve thought of?

Here are links to some phonics games:

The children have enjoyed Sky Writer in school so here is the link: