Wednesday 24th February – Earls Hill and Clee EAD / Art

In the story of Joseph and his multicoloured coat, there are lots of dreams. Joseph has two dreams, the men in prison have dreams and the Pharaoh all have dreams.

Here is the story for you to listen to again. Can you listen out for the dreams?

Talk to your grown ups about what the dreams are about.

Here is the song about dreams from the musical ‘Joseph and his Amazing Technicolour Dream Coat’

Today I’d like you to have a go at being creative and making a dream catcher, or a dream jar.

Here are some dream catcher ideas that you could use to inspire you. You can use paper plates or cut circles out of cardboard (a cereal box is ideal). Wrap string, wool, thread or ribbons around your dream catcher. Some dream catchers have feathers or beads threaded onto them, but you could use whatever you want. Perhaps you could use natural objects that you collect when you go for a walk. Here are some ideas of items you could use: sticks, leaves, flowers or fir cones. Traditionally dream catchers are hung in a bedroom.

Image result for home made dream catcherImage result for home made dream catcherImage result for home made dream catcherImage result for home made dream catcher 

Here is a video showing you how to make a beautiful dream jar. You will need an empty jar, some cotton wool, coloured water (mixed with paint or food colouring) and some glitter.