Wednesday 6th January – Maths

Encourage your child to join in with these counting songs.




Cygnets (Reception) and Clee Reception – It snowed in the stickman story. We have also had snow recently. Did you like it? Did you go outside in the snow?

Sometimes when we have lots of snow, we can make snowballs to play with. Today I’d like you to use balled up socks, small soft balls or scrunched up paper as snowballs. You will need about 10 ‘snowballs’ . You will also need a piece of paper and a container to throw the snowballs into (a bucket, laundry basket, box or washing up bowl are ideal)

Discuss with your child how many snowballs they think they will be able to throw into the container. Explain that this is called an estimate. It is a sensible guess. Ask them to write down the number they think they will achieve. Then get them to throw their snowballs into the container. Ask them to count how many they got in. Write down this number. Was their estimate correct? Did they estimate more or less than they actually got in the container?

Repeat the activity a few times – what is the most they have thrown in? The least? You have a go – challenge your child to see who can get the most snowballs in the container. Take this as an opportunity for your child to practise their counting skills and also to practise writing down the numbers each time. If you notice your child is writing the numbers backwards please take this opportunity to show them how to write it the right way.

Complete 2 pages of your Reception Maths workbook.

Swans – you are more than welcome to have a go at the above activity too. It may be helpful to try this if your child is reluctant to engage with home learning. Present it as a game so they think they are playing rather than learning. If you have enough socks/paper/balls use up to 20 to increase the challenge for them.

We are going to be working on learning how to read and write number words this week (for example one, two, three). You will need a piece of paper for this activity. Please write the number words in a column in the middle of the paper. Use numbers to 10 initially.

Read through these number words with your child. Ask them to write the correct numeral in the column to the left, it should look like this.

Then ask them to carefully copy and write the number words in the last column, like this.

They can then use this as a help for the next activity. You will need to collect 10 small objects (coins, small toys, dry pasta pieces, crayons for example) Put them in a bowl. Ask your child to grab some of them and count how many they have. Ask them to write the number and then using the table to help, write the number word too. Put the small objects back in the bowl and repeat the activity a number of times.

Please photo your child’s completed work and send the picture to me via dojo. This should encourage your child to complete the task!

Log onto Purple Mash. Details are found inside your child’s blue reading record diary. I have set a ‘to do’ for your child to complete today. Your child will need to match the number name words to the numbers. This game does use numbers to 20 and so your child may need you to help them to read some of the words. They should be able to then match the word to the correct number.

Once completed, I will be able to see what each child has managed to do. The link will expire so please complete the work today. If you have any issues accessing this work, please message me via dojo.