Wednesday 6th January. Stick Man Work – Literacy

This week the work set will be linked to the story Stickman by Julia Donaldson. Please watch this story with your child.

Cygnets (Reception) and Clee Reception – Discuss your family. Who lives in your house with you? What do they look like? What do they like to do? Do they go to work or school? Do you have any animals in your family? Draw a picture of your family and label it. Ask your child to carefully sound out the words and try to form them correctly. Remind them to only use capital letters at the start of the names.

Please also complete two pages of your Reception Phonics book.

Log onto Bug Club and ask your child to read you a story. If you click on the question mark at the bottom of the screen on bug club, there are questions about the story for your child to answer. This will help them to understand what they have read.

Swans (Year 1) – Draw a picture of your family. Discuss each family member. What do they look like? Encourage your child to use adjectives (describing words) about each family member. What do the family members enjoy doing? Do they have a job?

Write at least 2 sentences about each family member. Remind your child to use a capital letter at their start of the sentences. They should also use a capital letter at the start of writing a name. At the end of each sentence, they need to use a full stop (or an exclamation mark if they have written something funny). Remind them to use finger spaces between each word. Your children are great at writing now, they have been working hard in class. They can sound out and spell words carefully and know how to spell lots of tricky words. Remind them that you and I know how amazing they are at writing and ask them to really show you with this work!

Here are some example sentences to share with your child.

This is my mum. She has brown hair.

This is my dad. He works in a shop.

This is my big sister. She has a pet cat.

Complete at least 4 pages of your phonics home learning book

Log onto Bug Club and ask your child to read you a story. If you click on the question mark at the bottom of the screen on bug club, there are questions about the story for your child to answer. This will help them to understand what they have read.