Wednesday 6th January – Stickman Work

Please watch the story again with your child.

Discuss the fact that over the course of the story, the weather and the seasons change. The trees look different throughout the story. Earls Hill class you could use the calendars the children made in class to show this. Here is another picture to help your discussion.

Can your child draw 4 trees, one to represent each season?

Swans – could you write a sentence to go with each tree, for example, ‘In Summer the tree has green leaves.’ Or ‘In Autumn the leaves fall from the tree.’

What season is it now? How do the children know? What season will it be next? What is the weather doing today?

Follow this link to play an online game to dress Lecky the Alien. The children need to look out of the window at the weather and dress the alien in the correct clothes.

If you are able to go outside safely, perhaps on your daily exercise walk, look out for a stick you could use as your own stick man!