Wednesday Literacy

Please ask your child to practise writing their full name today. Remind them to only use a capital letter at the start of their name.

Watch the story ‘Whatever Next’ again.

We have worked on speech bubbles in school. Today I’d like the children to write speech bubbles showing what they think the characters in the story are saying. It doesn’t matter if it is not exactly the same as in the story, as long as it makes sense!

Here are the pictures I have added speech bubbles to.

Show them to your child and discuss each picture. What do they think the character is saying?

On a piece of paper, draw a speech bubble and draw some lines for your child to write on.

Ask your child to write down what the character in the first picture is saying. Remind them of their phonics, capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. Repeat with the other pictures.

Cheeky Challenge!!! Look at these familiar characters. What might they be saying? Can your child write these in a speech bubble shape?