Wednesday Literacy

Here is a video of me reading ‘Paper Dolls’ by Julia Donaldson. We love this story in Clee!

Today I would like you to make some paper dolls. Here are some instructions

Paper Dolls
  1. Take a piece of paper (A4 size will work well)
  2. Fold it into quarters accordion (pleated) style.
  3. Draw a figure of a person on the top layer. Be sure that the arms extend beyond the edge of the folded sheet. …
  4. Cut the figure out and unfold. You will get a chain of dolls holding hands.

When your dolls are cut out, you will have a chain of them! Perhaps you could label them with names of people in your family, or make up your own rhyming names? Or you could make a paper doll chain of tricky words to hang up in your house to help you read?

The little girl in the story stored her paper dolls in her memory, so she never forgot them. At the moment we are all doing things slightly differently. I know many of you are using this precious time with your family to do lovely activities such as baking, planting seeds, salt dough, making giant hearts and rainbows or tying ribbons on the school railings. Talk about making these memories with your child. What will you both remember about this time together?

Perhaps you and your child could each make a paper doll chain and write some of these experiences on them, or you could make a giant rainbow or heart picture and write them onto that?

Here is may paper doll chain of memories…..