Wednesday Maths

Today you will need 6 counters/coins/small toys/building blocks etc. You will either need a dice or number cards 1-6. Your child will need paper and a pencil. You will also need to draw a part whole model picture that looks like this.

Begin by playing a warm up game. Say a number or turn over a number card – Ask your child to count to 20, starting from that number.

Ask your child to with roll the dice or turn over a number card. Ask them to put that many items in the top circle (the part that says whole).

Then ask them to share the items between the two ‘part’ circles. For example, if they rolled a 3 they would initially put all 3 items in the top section. They would then move the items and share them so they might have 2 on one side and 1 on the other.

Ask them to write out this calculation 2+1=3.

Put all 3 items back in the top. Can they share them again in a different way and write out the calculation? (e.g. 3+0 = 3, or 1 + 2 = 3 etc.)



Once your child has found as many ways of making the first number as they can, ask them to roll the dice again, or turn over a number card and repeat the activity a number of times. The larger the number, the more ways your child should find to arrange the items.