Wednesday Maths

Today your child will be working on doubles again. Focus on doubles to 10 or 20 depending on the confidence of your child. You will need number cards either to 5 or 10 (or a dice if you prefer) and sheets of paper with basic sandcastles drawn on them. They might look similar to this.

Ask your child to turn over a number card or roll a dice – can they double it draw that many flags on sand castle? The example below shows a number 4 card turned over. This was doubled and so 8 flags have been drawn on the sandcastle.

You could extend this by asking your child to practise their number formation and numbering each flag.

Your child could also write out the calculation to show the double. So in the example of double 4 they would write 4 + 4 = 8.


If you have access to a sandpit, you could try this activity with a real sandcastle and flags made using paper sellotaped to drinking straws/pencils/skewers or lolly sticks.

Here is a link to an interactive game which your child can use to practise their doubling skills. The smallest you can choose is up to double 10, so if your child is less confident at doubling beyond 5 you may need to support them.