Earl’s Hill Home Learning Monday 29th March

Good morning Earl’s Hill, I am sorry that we are not able to see you today. Here are your home learning activities for today.

First of all, I would like you to take part in a Phonics session with Mrs Thompstone. You can find these sessions on our website under the Learning/Reading tab but here is a quick link:

We have been sharing the story ‘How to Heal a Broken Wing’ by Bob Graham. Here is a Powerpoint of the story for you to look at:

how to heal a broken wing

Talk about the story together. You could ask these questions:

Why do you think no one saw the bird fall? ·

Why were people stepping over the bird? ·

What made will see the bird?

How do you think Will’s dad felt when he saw the sick bird? ·

What made the bird get better? ·

What do you think of the ending of the book?


Join in with this counting song:

Now try these activities, you might like to collect some objects from your home to help you: