Home Learning Monday (Week 3)

Good Morning!

I hope you’ve had a lovely and relaxing weekend! I would love for you to get outside and make some spring soup! Add anything you think shows the start of spring! New leaves, flowers, and grass! Make sure you’re not hurting anything though.

Once you’ve made your beautiful soup, I’d love for you to write me a recipe. Make sure you include your ingredient list and the amount of each item. Here’s my example.

Make sure you include: 

A list of things you need

A list of ingredients

Bossy verbs (at the start of each instruction)

Full stops

Capital letters

Finger spaces

I am so excited to see your creations! Don’t forget to send me lots of pictures on Dojo or the class email Earlshill@holytrinitycepa.co.uk

Have fun and enjoy the sun!

Mrs Taylor