Home Learning Thursday (week 2)

Good Morning all!

Yesterday Mrs Allcock kindly posted the Thursday Literacy on our page. This is mainly for Reception but of course Years 1 can do it as well. I have loved seeing the super veggies that have been created so far so keep sending me your pictures!

I have also set something brand new for Year 1s on Purple Mash. It is a story! We will read a chapter each week and then there are some activities for you to do! The games do not  save so if you just take a picture of your child completing the activity, that is fine.

The story is quite tricky so they will need lots of adult support and maybe for you to take over. It is important to read it together because we are working on our comprehension of the story. This is often quite difficult if we are still sounding out all of the words. So if your child is not able to read the words without sounding them out, it might be more helpful for you to read the story to them.

Once you have done the online activities, here are some written activities:


There is quite a lot to do here so please do not feel like you have to complete it all today. I will be posting the next chapter in a week so you have until then.

I have also set the Year 1s so Maths activities on Purple Mash. Reception have free roam on Mini Mash and their are loads for really lovely maths activities for them to do.

From next week, we will be using ClassDojo more, so you can get the children to post their pictures from their accounts. This will go on to their portfolios once I have approved them. If you have any issues or queries please get in touch. If you have lost your dojo code, send me an email on Earlshill@holytrinitycepa.co.uk and I can send you all the details.

Have fun!