Home Learning Tuesday (Week 3)


What a beautiful morning!

Today I have set a practical Maths activity. I would like you to do some measuring! I would like you to draw or print this table:

Measuring sheet

The best way to complete this is to use a piece of string that is cut to the same length as you/your arm. This way you can compare by laying the string against the object and you can clearly see whether the object is taller or smaller.

It is important to be clear about the language we are using today: whether something is tall or long. For example why is a snake not tall? Why don’t we say that a giraffe is long?

Cheeky Challenge: Pick three things to measure and put them in order.

Year 1s If you have a ruler/tape measure use that. Reception use something small that you can measure with like lego bricks, beads, beans, pasta.

I’d like to say a huge well done to all the parents persevering with the home learning. I know it is tricky sometimes and some days there will be a lapse in motivation. It is so important that your children have a good try at these activities themselves especially when they would rather be doing something else!. So well done and keep up the hard work!

I am in school tomorrow and Thursday so I may not be as responsive.

As it is the Easter Holidays this week and next, I will be posting an “Easter Activity Bingo” for you to complete in your own time. Of course, you have free access to all the activities on Purple Mash, Mathletics and Bug Club. You have also go Spellings and reading books. Keep sending me pictures of all of the fun activities that you do, even if I haven;t set them. I love to see you being creative with your time!

Have fun!