Monday Home Learning (week 2)

Good morning everyone!

I hope you have had a lovely and restful weekend.

Today’s home learning task is a Maths activity. Before we closed, we were working on number bonds to 10. These are vital number facts for children. By the end of Year 1 your child should be able to recall most number bonds to 10.

Year 1 were using number bonds to 10 to work out the number bonds to 20. So for example we know the 2 + 8 = 10 so therefore 12 + 8 = 20. I would like Year 1 to have a go at completing this work sheet: Number bonds to 20. If you can’t download it, you can copy the numbers as a “part part whole” model like this: 

In Reception we were starting to work through them practically using resources. So I would like you to get 10 items (they can be anything – teddies, pencils, beads). Then find out as many ways as you can to make ten. Cheeky Challenge: try writing them out as a number sentence with your neatest numbers.

I understand that these are quite tricky tasks! So if your child is getting stressed or is finding it too difficult, take a break and read a book on Bug Club. Come back to it later. The novelty of home learning will probably wear off for them soon so it might get harder. The fact that your family is having a go at home learning is incredible and you should be proud of that. I will endeavour to plan super exciting and engaging tasks for the rest of the week!

Have fun and know that I am so proud of everything that has been sent to me so far! Mrs Lewis’ socks would be flying across the room by now!