A fun, festive week!

Earls Hill class have had a fantastically festive and fun filled week! On Tuesday the children enjoyed dancing and playing party games at the school disco. They had some fantastic dance moves! On Wednesday we had a delicious Christmas dinner and wore our party hats that we had made in class. It was also lovely to see all of the children in their Christmas jumpers- many thanks!

In Literacy this week Year One children have been making a plan for their diary entry based on our text, ‘Nibbles’. Reception children have also been using their phonics knowledge to write captions based on their text, ‘The three little pigs’. In our D&T lessons this week the Year One children have been evaluating the chairs that they made last week for our teddy bear. The children used card and masking tape and came up with some brilliant design ideas.

Reception children have enjoyed Maths this week and have been comparing quantities.

We have also started our ‘Brilliant brushers’ teeth brushing programme for our Reception children and the whole class enjoyed a visit and talk from the dental nurse on Thursday! The children are now experts in teeth brushing.

We have finished the week by participating in the ‘Santa dash’ (we managed to miss the rain!), and we are looking forward to more festive fun next week…

Well done Earls Hill- you are just fantastic!