Another fantastic week in Earl’s Hill.

Wow- what a busy week we have had!

On Monday Year One children enjoyed a visit from the exotic zoo. They listened and participated so well in the discussions and enjoyed learning more about the different animals. I am sure they will be able to tell you lots of new and interesting facts at home!

Reception children have enjoyed making pirates hats these week as part of our pirates topic.

On Tuesday we went to Clee Class for our picture news. We talked about mobile phones and why or why not we may need them.

In R.E this week we have made Easter Gardens. We listened to the stories of Holy Week and used these to help us decide what needed to go into our gardens. All of the children had brilliant ideas and the gardens are on display in our classroom.

Year One children have been busing making a car as part of our D&T project. They were fantastic with remembering all of the different components.

Reception children have been doing lots of writing and mark making in Literacy. On Wednesday we decided if we would like to be a pirate or not.


On Thursday as part of our History topic we learnt more about our explorer, ‘Neil Armstrong’. We dressed up like an astronaut and thought about how they may have felt when heading for the moon!

Reception children have finished the week by exploring and comparing capacity. We used jugs and cups in the water tray and were able to say which one had the greatest capacity. Year one children have also been exploring capacity and volume this week in Maths.

To finish off the week we have also been doing funky finger activities to make our finger muscles strong for writing.


Well done everyone!