Earls Hill Swans (Year 1) Maths Wednesday 13th January

Today we will be learning about 1 more and 1 less. Here is an introduction to the concept.

Here is a video looking at one more and one less.

Here is the White Rose Maths learning video for you to watch. I will attach the worksheet, but as on other days, if you cannot print it off, just use it for reference and  ask your child to write out the answers on a sheet of paper.


Y1-Autumn-Block-4-WO4-Count-one-more-and-one-less-2019.pdf (whiterosemaths.com)  

I have made a video using this sheet too, so if you would prefer it, your child can watch the entire White Rose Maths video above and then use a sheet of paper to write down the answers as I work through them in my video. They will find it useful to have the number track to 20 from their resource pack to help answer the questions.

Here is an interactive game to reinforce this concept. Your child has to count the counters, and follow the instruction to move the counters to show one more or one less.
