Fantastic work in Earl’s Hill this week

We have had another great week in Earl’s Hill and the children have been working very hard.

We have planted cress seeds this week. We were very impressed that they only need to be placed on cotton wool and be watered in order to grow. We will be watching how our cress seeds grow over the next week ready to begin our new science/understanding the world topic, plants.

In Maths this week reception children have been enjoying lots of different sorting activities. Firstly we sorted different objects by colour. We then thought about different ways we can sort.

Lots of fun with brilliant brushers this week. We are becoming teeth brushing experts in reception!

We have continued to study the word of Diana Beltran Herrera in our art. This week year one have designed the bird sculpture that they will be making next week. Reception children enjoyed making birds nests using straw and decorating birds to go inside.

Year one children have continued to enjoy learning about London as part of our Geography. This week we have looked at a map of London.

On Friday reception children enjoyed measuring their height in class on our chart. We discussed the words shorter and taller and what they mean.

To finish off the week we have made our bug house for our garden of hope. Thank you so much to all of the children who have collected different items to go inside. It looks fantastic and I am sure the bugs will agree!

Have a lovely long weekend and I will see you next week.