First week of Spring 1…

Well done Earl’s Hill for a great first week back after half term.

This week we have introduced our new Literacy texts for both reception and year one children. On Monday, Year One children found some pictures of bones on the playground. We put them together and discovered a photo of a mammoth skeleton! We have looked at the first few pages of our new text, ‘The curious case of the missing mammoth’ and have been working really hard on finger spaces in our writing this week. On Wednesday reception children followed clues around the classroom and found a hidden treasure box. We discussed what we think might be inside and who could have put it in our school. PIRATES! On Thursday we looked at our treasures from home.



In D&T this week we have been exploring toys with wheels. In Maths this week our year one children have been measuring objects. We have been using rules and measuring in CM. It would be fantastic if children could have a go at measuring items at home to continue their learning. Reception have been continuing to build their understanding of numbers.

In RE this week we heard the story of Palm Sunday and had a go at sequencing the story. We also made palm leaves and sang a song, ‘Hosanna’.

In Drawing Club, we have been reading ‘Were going on a bear hunt’. The children all decided to draw a picture of a bear and used their phonics knowledge to write some amazing codes!

To finish the week we began our new science topic. We discussed the meaning of a life cycle and looked at how humans and ducks develop. We really enjoyed watching a video of a duck hatching and changing as it grows.

Well done Earl’s Hill!