First week of summer 1!

This week we have had a fantastic first few days back after the Easter break. The children have settled back in really well and remembered all of our routines and rules in Earl’s Hill. I am very proud of all of them.

In Literacy this week Year One children found some lost toys in the hall! We have been writing how we think the toys feel, and what they can see, hear and touch.

Reception children were very excited on Wednesday when we discovered an unusual box in the classroom! We have been left a note, egg and book. We are hoping that we are going to have a dinosaur hatch soon. We have been predicting what we think our new story may be about, ‘Giganotosaurus’.

In Art this week we have been looking at videos of birds. We then paused these and looked at the different details we could see. All of the children created some fantastic drawings. Well done.

In RE we have been thinking about our favourite stories.

Reception children have settled back really well into their tooth brushing routine! We talked about why it’s important that we keep our teeth clean.

In Maths on Friday, reception children were thinking about the meaning of ‘long’ and ‘short’. We sorted out different items using hoops into long and short.

Many thanks to all of the parents and carers who came to parents evening. It was lovely to share the children’s hard work with you.

Please can I ask that children are reading as much as possible at home. Have a lovely weekend everyone.