Friday 15th January – Earls Hill Swans (Year 1) Literacy

In this picture the characters are all saying sorry to each other.

Have you ever had to say sorry? How did it make you feel?

There is a tunnel built in the story. Where does it lead?


Today you are going to do some reading. Here are some sentences to read. They describe one of the tunnel pictures below. Can you read the sentences and decide which of the tunnel pictures it is describing?

  1. This tunnel is for cars to use.
  2. This is an old tunnel.
  3. This tunnel is for trains to use.
  4. This tunnel is still being made.
  5. This is a tunnel of trees.

Well done for matching the sentences to the pictures!

Can you build a tunnel in your house using blankets? Or do you have a construction kit you could use? Or use tubes from the inside of a toilet or kitchen roll to create tunnels for small toys to use…

Here are some links to some phonics games you might enjoy using. Please work within phase 3,4 and 5.

Have a go at spelling your spelling words – how many can you spell by yourself now?

Please can you continue to work in the phonics book and read a Bug Club book.