Friday 22nd January Earls Hill Swans (Year 1) Literacy

Here is the story ‘What We’ll Build’ for you one last time.

Good morning everyone!

Yesterday we talked about how sometimes, times are hard. You talked about how you are feeling, and how you can feel better. Today we are going to write a card to a friend in our class to make each other feel better.

Think about what sort of words you need inside a card. What does it usually say at the top? It usually says Dear or To…and then the person’s name at the top.

Then you need to write a sentence like ‘I am thinking of you’ or ‘I am missing you’ or even ‘I will see you soon’.

Then you need to write who the card is from.

I would like you to draw a beautiful picture on the front of your card and write on the inside of it.

Here is what my card looks like. I have made my card for Mrs Owen.


You are welcome to drop the cards off at school when you are out walking for your daily exercise and we will make sure they are delivered. Or you can send photos of your cards and I can share them.

Please also have a go at spelling this week’s spellings – how many will you get right?

Read a Bug Club book to your grown up.