Friday 29th January – Earls Hill Swans (Year 1) Literacy

Here is a familiar face reading the story ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. Mrs Dallow is missing you all and is pleased to be reading you a story.

Today you are going to think about your what part of the story is your favourite part.

Do you like the part when Jack first sees the beanstalk, or the part when Jack is running away from the giant? There are lots of great parts to choose from!

My favourite part of the story is when Jack is climbing up the beanstalk. Imagine how much hard work that must have been!

Please log onto Purple Mash again using this link.

Select the 2do tab at the top of the page. Please complete the ‘favourite part’ 2do that has been set for you. You will be able to choose pictures and write about the story.

I have also recorded a spelling test video, so please take part in that too. The spelling words for next week have also been posted in the spelling section of the website.

Please play this Phonics game from BBC Bitesize.