Friday 5th March Earls Hill Swans (Year 1) Maths

Hello everyone, happy Friday!

Firstly, let’s have a reminder about what we have been looking at this week. Complete this worksheet on 2 less. Use the number line at the top of the page to help you. If you cannot print it out, ask your grownup to say the question out loud and use your number line to help you. You can write the answers on a piece of paper.



Now I would like you to be the teacher.

Here is a worksheet that I have completed.

Can you check it to see if I got them all right? Use your number line to help you.

Did I get them all correct?

If there were some that I got wrong, can you work out what I did that was wrong?

I think I might have added two instead of subtracted two – oops! Thank you for checking for me. I now know that I must read the question carefully.

Today we will look at doubling and halving. Watch this short video to show you some double numbers:

Here is a song about halving:

Now we will watch an Oak National Academy video on doubling and halving. You will need a pencil, some paper, and something to help you count such as counters, coins or pasta.

Here is the video:

I would like you to watch to just before the independent task. Then, instead of the task in the video, I would like you to complete this worksheet. Put the same number of dots on the ladybird’s other wing. You will have a double. Write the answer in the sentences below the ladybirds. See if you can say the sentences out loud too.  If you cannot print this page, ask your grown ups to copy it out for you.


Good work today everyone!