Friday Home Learning

Good morning everyone!

What a beautiful beautiful morning it is! Well done to every one who has been completing the daily tasks. I have been so impressed with all of your work! A special well done to Kaden and Leyton who completed all of their assigned Mathletics activities!

Today I would love to see some amazing sentences! In Year 1, we have been working on using finger spaces, full stops and capital letters. Reception have been working on “holding a sentence” in their head, then sounding out each word and writing it with finger spaces.

I would like you to create a piece of Art. This can be anything: you can build a model; you can paint a picture; you can sketch something. ANYTHING! If it’s linked with a farm – even better!

Once you’ve made your artwork, I would like you to write a description. Year 1 should write at least 3 sentences using adjectives, full stops, capital letters and finger spaces.

Reception depends on their confidence. If you feel like your child is able to write more than one sentence, please encourage them to do so.

Please can Year 1 also complete their Spell Check and send me the results.

Have an amazing day!