Home Learning – 18th June

Good Morning! 

Another very rainy day! We had more thunder and lightening here! It was very exciting! 

Just a reminder to have a look at the last post by Miss Wright if you haven’t been watching the daily phonics lessons here’s the link: https://www.holytrinitycepa.co.uk/nursery-news/daily-online-phonics-sessions/

Also Mrs Platt posted about the super exciting opportunity to receive a special Science badge! https://www.holytrinitycepa.co.uk/schoolnews/your-science-badge-is-waiting-for-you/


Today you are going to begin the process of writing the instructions for the crowns that you designed. So you need to gather the list of items that you wrote yesterday. As you make your crown, take pictures and think about the steps that you are taking. It’s important that you think about every little detail! 

If you don’t have something on your list – don’t worry, just draw it and pretend! 

Once you have finished your crown, look back at the pictures from the beginning. Can you say what you are doing in each picture? Give an instruction using a bossy verb and pretend that you are being bossy to yourself!! This step is important because tomorrow you will write these instructions out. 


Year 1: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zm4dg7h


Today you are going to continue practising counting back. You are going to play a game with an adult. Take either 10 or 20 small items (they can be anything as long as they are all the same – pasta, beads, cubes, lego bricks). Line them up on a table. You will need this take away dice. Take turns to roll the dice and take away from the items. Make sure you are using the language. So 10 – 3, how many are left? Try and count back rather than taking three and counting the remainders. 

When it gets to 2 or 1 , you can only roll a 2 or a 1. So if there are 2 left and you roll a 3 you have to wait. The winner takes the last items.

Have an amazing day!