Home learning for Tuesday 5th January 2021

From tomorrow, there will be work for your child to complete each day. Each day your child will be set work for Maths, English and one other subject. The work will be posted on the website but I will put the link onto Dojo for you to see.

I have put a few ideas for today for you to use with your child if you wish.


Encourage your child to join in with these number songs. They focus on counting up to 20 and back again.

Cygnets – Ask your child to help you count to 10. Can they write the numbers out in order for you? Pretend that you need help to write the numbers. Ask them – what number shall I start with? What comes next etc. Play a game with your child, write out numbers to 10 for your child, but miss out some of the numbers – can your child tell you what numbers are missing? Can they write the correct number in the gap?

Swans – Complete the activities as for the Cygnets but use numbers to 20.


In school today we were going to be writing a thank you letter to Father Christmas or to a family member for our Christmas presents. Could you work with your child to do this at home? Here are the slides I was going to share with the children to introduce this idea.


(At this point I would ask the children to talk to their talk partners about their Christmas presents and then we would share a few of their ideas with group)

(Talk to your child about the features of a letter)

Cygnets – We were going to talk to an adult and write the ‘Dear Father Christmas’ and the ‘From (Name)’ part of the letter. The adults were then going to write what the children were saying thank you for. Some of the children were also going to have a go at writing the present they were saying thank you for.

Swans – We were going to write the entire thank you letter, as independently as possible. Swans can you also practise the spellings that have been set for you this week. (Under the Earls Hill Spelling section of the website) .


Contact: you are welcome to contact me on the class email or using Dojo. The email address is Earlshill@holytrinitycepa.co.uk