Home Learning – Friday 15th May

Good Morning!

So today we are going to do something a little different! I would like you to complete a Science experiment! Last week we learnt all about different materials around our homes. Today we are going to test some of those!

Imagine you are the Highway Rat. You are trapped in the cave. Will there be much light? No! It will be quite dark! This is the perfect time to test whether light can pass through everything! I need to know – does everything have a shadow and are they all the same?

Choose up to 8 items that are made of different materials. Use either a torch and a dark room or sit outside in the sun. Shine the light at the objects. Does the object have a shadow? Do different materials have different shadows? Is glass the same as wood? Why do you think they are different?

This is mainly a verbal activity, however if you would like to sort the objects into groups and give them labels that’s fine too!

Here is a really brilliant video to explain all about light.

Year 1 – If you would like to do some English and Maths, here is the link to today’s Bitesize activities.