Home Learning – Friday 19th June

Good Morning Earl’s Hill!


Today we are going to write our instructions! Lots of you have designed beautiful and interesting crowns! 

Look back on the pictures of you making your crown. Look at the very first picture and think about what you are doing in that picture. Yesterday, you should have practised being bossy and thought about some bossy sentences to say. 

Remember each sentence needs to have a bossy verb at the start.

Here are some examples: 

Cut – Draw – Take – Choose – Use – Tie – Make – Glue 

They are action words that explain what you are doing. 

Year 1s: You should be writing full sentences with lots of information. For example, if your sentence is: 

Glue the leaves on. 

You can easily make this a much better sentence by adding more information: 

Put a small bit of glue at the bottom of each leaf and stick it onto the headband very carefully. 


Year 1: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zk3q4xs

Remember these are family challenges and they increase in difficulty so don’t worry if they are too hard for you child! 

Reception: I would love for you to have a go at this lovely subtraction game: http://www.rabbittakeaway.co.uk/activity/

You can choose numbers up to 10 or 20. 

Extra Activtity: 

Visit Purple Mash (https://www.purplemash.com/sch/holytrinshrop) and go on Maths City 

Year 1 – This has been set as one of your “to dos” so you will find it under the alert bell. 

Reception: Go into “Numbers and Counting” and on to the second page. 

Have an explore and play the games that you find there!