Home Learning – Friday 24th April

Good Morning!

I hope you have had a fun pack week and are all safe and sound! If you feel like you can, please complete your Spell Check! I have also set new Purple Mash Chapters for your children to complete! Today is the last day for Light House entries. If you want to send one to me, Dojo is the best way and I can forward them on to Mrs Price. Its super fun! Here is the link to the song: https://youtu.be/lFBZJGSgyVQ

Today’s Literacy task is all about rhyming words! So I would like you to listen to the story cof the Gruffalo again and find all of the rhyming pairs. I would love if you could write them down. You don’t have to do the whole book! Just a few pages. Write them down with their pair. For example: wood and good. Rhymes are quite tricky so try to remind the children about the shape of the mouth as they say it. Sometimes it helps to take the first sound off the word and see if they are the same then.

Today’s Maths is similar to yesterday however today we are going to have a go at writing the number sentence down. When writing the number sentence, we are writing it as the opposite to doubling. So we use subtraction. (The children do not need to know multiplication and division yet). So for example,

  • Mouse took a stroll in the deep dark woods and found 4 If he shared them equally with Fox, how many does Mouse have now?

Mouse has 4. He shares half with Fox. How many does he have left?

4 – 2 = 2


I have a Fun Friday Challenge for you! I would love to see some create Gruffalo Art! It can be anything Gruffalo related! Here are some examples: