Home Learning – Friday 26th June

Good Morning! 

It was incredibly hot yesterday! I don’t know about you but I’m quite happy to see the rain today! 

Remember that today is celebration day! It’s your last chance to get those Dojo points! I will be uploading the video at 3.30 today! Stay tuned to see who’s won!


Today we are finishing off our stories. So the final part of your story is the quest itself. What happens on your quest? Do you have to go somewhere spooky? Or defeat a monster? Or climb a huge obstacle? When you’ve been on your quest, finish your story by returning to the character and giving them the object. How are they? Are they happy? I cannot wait to hear your stories! 

If you have not written a story yet and would like to, you can complete a story board instead: Story Board

Draw a picture in each box and write a caption below it. 


Reception and Year 1: I would like you all to have a go at this game: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button

This game reinforces the key maths that the children should be beginning to learn in Reception and should begin to build upon in Year 1. 

Today Reception should just focus on Doubles up to 10.

Year 1 can have a go at Halves, Doubles and Number Facts. 

Extra Activity

I would like you to think up a title for your story and create a front cover please! Make it bright and eye catching!