Home Learning – Friday 5th June

Good morning!

I hope we have had a good first week back at it!


Today is about making our work the best it can be. Choose one of your sentences from yesterday’s recount. Try and find anything you can make better. Then rewrite it! You should aim to improve at least three of your sentences. 

Here is an example. 




There are some mistakes in this sentence. Can you find them? 

Spelling mistakes aren’t a priority as long as they are phonetically plausible. What is more important is the common exception words (here is a list: T-L-5155-Year-1-Common-Exception-Words_ver_4

When you have found the mistakes pop a circle around them like this: 





They don’t have to be colour coded, but it does make it look clearer! 

Next, use the common exception word list and this check list to help you correct and rewrite your sentence to make it better. 










Year 1 your cheeky challenge is to improve even further upon your sentences by adding either “because” “and” or adjectives into your sentences. 








Year 1: BBC bitesize family challenge day.

Reception: Today I would like you to complete a colouring sheet using patterns! They can be repeated stripes or zig-zags or even a different pattern. As long as you repeat the pattern, it will be perfect. The more variety of patterns, the better! Here are some colouring sheets: Colouring sheets. If you don’t have a printer, feel free to use any that you have at home or even draw your own!

Here are some examples of patterns you can use when colouring: 























Have a lovely weekend!