Home Learning – Thursday 30th April

Good morning all!

Today’s Literacy task is a little bit different. I would like you to imagine you have landed in an undiscovered land with Zog. You and whoever you flew with must discover the new island! Pretend to move around your space looking out at everything. What can you see? Are there any strange animals? What can you hear? What features of the land can you see? Is everything normal colours? How do you feel – happy, scared, excited?

I’d love for you to create a video on your Dojo portfolio of you exploring and telling me all about what you can see/hear/feel/smell! It’s all about that exciting vocabulary and language development! (Make sure we are speaking in “Super Sentences”).

As a cheeky challenge you could draw me a map of the island with labels on – make sure the labels are informative! Feel free to colour it in and make it exciting!

Reception – as your Maths activity today, I would like you to spot sharing opportunities throughout the day. When your adults are making food, are they sharing out the food equally? If not, why not? Does someone else need more? If someone is pairing up the socks, can you help? How many pairs are there? When you are playing outside, can you share the toys out equally?

Year 1 – https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/

Week 2 Lesson 4 Problem Solving

As a little extra activity, I would like everyone to read at least one book on Bug club and answer the bug questions (click on the bug face when you see it in the book!) The new password for everyone is 12345

Have a great day!