Home Learning – Tuesday 21st April


Wow! You’re writing yesterday was incredible! I was so impressed with all of the work! Well done!

Today’s Literacy challenge is a fun one! I would like you to write a menu for the Gruffalo Cafe. You need to put all of the Gruffalo’s favourite meals! I would love for you to write what might go with these silly meals. For example – Roasted Fox, with roast potatoes and carrots! Make them sound delicious because you never know who might come visiting! Please decorate your menus and make them look beautiful too!

For the Maths today, I would like you to listen to this song: 

You need a ten frame like this: 

You can print one or draw one!

Play a game where you roll a dice (or turn over a number card to 6 or you say a number to 6.)

Your child puts that many counters/pieces of pasta/building cubes/small balls of playdough/blue tack on the left side of the frame. They then put the same amount on the other side to show the double. They count the total.

So for example if a 3 is rolled, shown or said, they put 3 objects onto the left side of the frame. They then put 3 more objects on the right side of the frame. They then count all the objects to find the total.

Cheeky Challenge: write the number sentences to show the doubles. So, using the example of rolling, showing or saying a 3 as above your child would then write out the number sentence 3+3 = 6. Reinforce this by saying the number sentence verbally and then saying ‘double 3 is 6’.

I want to say a HUGE well done to the children who have got themselves a bronze certificate on Mathletics! Well done to Kaden, Leyton, Miti, and Muhaymin!