Home Learning – Tuesday 5th May


Today I would love for you to write up your animal fact files in neat! Use the questions to help you form a full sentences. So if the question was “what do whales eat?”, your sentence would be, “whales eats plankton and small fish”.

You can split your information up into groups and write a little more about each topic. For example, if an answer to one of your questions was “no”, can you extend the sentence with a “because”. That would make your writing incredible!

Fact File

For Reception’s Maths today, I would like you to listen to and learn this very fun and exciting song. I’m sure by the end of the session, the adults will be singing the 10 dance as well! Children need to be able to recall number bonds to ten throughout their education, so why not start now!

Year 1 can also learn the 10 dance! Here is the White Rose as well: Week 3 Lesson 2

I would like for you to read at least 3 books on Bug Club this week please! Well Done to Muhaymin and Eli for getting 100% correct on their Bug Club Quizzes! I’m sure that got you a lot of points!