Home Learning – Wednesday 20th May

Good Morning!

You made some incredible potions yesterday! I saw all sorts of ingredients! As a witch or a wizard, no potion is complete with out a spell! Now your spell needs to rhyme.

Start it off with one of the magical phrases, then add a a rhyming line. Darcie already made hers up and it’s a perfect example! It goes:

Bippity boppity boo.
Make all your dreams come true!

Now if you wanted to make your spell even more powerful, you can add some more by using another magical phrase!

I’d love for you to write your spells down and decorate them so that they are beautiful and we can remember them!

Here are the magical phrases:

Bippity boppity boo


Hocus Pocus

Bin ban ben

Flippy floppy flee

If you can think of your own magical phrase, that’s absolutely fine too!

Reception Maths:

Today I would like you to do some measuring. Adults, I would like you to cut some strips of paper to different lengths to make different sized “wands”. Firstly, ask your child to put them in order from longest to shortest. Then try measuring them with a small object. This can be beads, cubes, lego bricks, or anything else that is small.

Pick three wands that are different lengths. Measure them and then compare them. Which one is the longest?

Which is the shortest?

How much longer is the the longer one?

Year 1: BBC Bitesize

Extra crafty activities

Make your very own wand – 


Make a bubble wand:







Colour changing potions:






Hopefully it’ll be a lovely sunny day today so don’t forget to wear a hat and plenty of suncream! Have fun!