Home Learning – Wednesday 22nd April

Good Morning! Another absolutely beautiful day!


Watch the Gruffalo again and think about if you were to meet him:

What would you do? What would you say? Would you trick him like the mouse did? Would you try and be his friend? I would like you to write a few sentences and start with “If I met the Gruffalo…”

Please make sure the children are sounding out their own work. It doesn’t matter if their words are missing letters or are incorrect. In Reception, children are still learning all of the sounds. So I don’t expect them to write with sounds that they don’t know and that is okay! To get to the “expected” standard for writing in EYFS they need to be able to sound out words independently using their phonetic knowledge. We can support them to sound out, but try and avoid telling them which letters to write. You can remind them to use finger spaces though!

In Year 1, the children are usually more independent in their writing and are able to write using spellings that they already know and referring to a wider range of phonics. However, we should still avoid telling them how to spell words. To help your child, encourage them to sound out their work and then when they have finished, pick a few words to revisit and show them the real spelling. Hopefully, next time they write that word, they will remember it!

Maths: I would love for you to have a go at working out these doubling problems:

the Gruffalo doubling problems

See if you can write them down and work them out in your head! You can use your fingers to help you.

Extra activities: Don’t forget there’s a whole list of fun extra activities here: The Gruffalo

Very important challenge for the day: play. Enjoy the sun and spending time with your family. Try and be extra kind to your parents and your siblings!

Have fun!