It’s nearly Christmas!

We have had another exciting and festive week in Earls Hill class last week. We enjoyed signing in our carols around the tree celebration on Monday- I am sure you will all agree in how fantastic the class were!

On Monday we also enjoyed doing some ‘Christmas dough disco’… we are making our finger muscles strong ready for our writing!

In Maths this week Reception children have been exploring ‘parts and a whole’. We talked about different parts of our body and sang ‘head, shoulders knees and toes’. The children enjoyed using parts of a gingerbread man to make a whole picture. On Friday we enjoyed looking at triangles and circles. We found lots of them in our classroom.  They have worked really hard on their Maths this week- well done Reception.

On Thursday we enjoyed an indoor athletics PE lesson with Neil..

Our Year One children also performed ‘Little donkey’ in our church service on Thursday. They did a fantastic job and we all enjoyed watching the other classes!

On Friday we finished off our Science/Understanding the world topic and talked about the different habitats we have looked at. All of the children chose a large habitat and used the watercolours to create a painting of it. Well done Earls Hill… another fantastic week. We are looking forward to our Christmas parties and pantomime trip next week!!