Maths Tuesday 12th January – Earls Hill Swans (Year 1)

Start by singing the counting in tens song again.

Now try to count all the way to 100 in tens.

Cheeky Challenge Time – using the 10’s cards from your resource pack, pick a number and start counting from that number all the way to 100 in 10’s. So if you pick 60, start counting from there.

60, 70, 80, 90 , 100

We are going to be doing more work on tens and ones today. Please watch this video. 

Here is the worksheet to accompany the video. Again, if you cannot print it out, please either copy out the questions or use them on screen and ask your child to write the answers.

Try this activity. Using the number line, ask your child to point to a certain number. Can they tell you how many 10’s and 1s are in the number? Follow the link to this interactive game. they can use it to make the number using 10’s and 1s. 

If they would rather work practically ask them to make the number using the counters on their tens frames.

Now try to answer this question.