Monday 11th January – Earls Hill Swans (Year 1) Literacy

This week our literacy work is all based on the story ‘What We’ll Build’ by Oliver Jeffers.

Here is the story

This is the first picture from the book.


Discuss the hands with your grown up. What is the same about the hands? What is different? Who do the hands belong to? Compare your hands with your grown – ups – what is the same or different about them?

Do you think the two people will use their hands to work together and build something together or will they work separately to build two different things?

Here is the next page from the story.


Do you know what these tools are? Do you know what they are used for? Discuss this with your grown up.

Today I’d like you to choose at least 5 of these tools. Draw a picture of the tool and write a sentence about it. For example you could draw the hammer and write, ‘This is a hammer. It is used to hit nails into things.’ Don’t forget to use a capital letter at the start of the sentence and a full stop at the end. Remember finger spaces. In your resource pack you have sound mats and word mats to help with your writing.

Please also Practise this weeks spellings (in the Earls Hill Spelling section of the website). Please also read a Bug club book to your grown up.