Monday 18th January – Earls Hill Swans (Year 1) Literacy Work

Our literacy this week is again based on the story ‘What We’ll Build’  by Oliver Jeffers.

Here is the story if you want to watch it again.

We have already done quite a bit of work linked to this story. I have been so impressed with you all. I have loved seeing where you think the door leads to. Such beautiful places, that I would love to visit!

Today we are going to look at this page from the book. I think it is one of may favourite pictures from the story. What do you think?

The picture is full of lovely things to look at. What can you see in the picture? Tell your grown up. Remember to speak in full sentences, starting with ‘I can see…..’

Now I’d like you to watch this video I have made. You will need some paper (you can use the green book that was in your pack) and a pencil to join in.
I’d like you to have a go now at writing some more sentences about what you can see in the picture.

Extension work – Look out of the window. What can you see? Can you write some ‘I can see’ sentences about what you can see outside. Remember to add adjectives (describing words) to make your sentences more exciting. I wonder if any of you can use the connective word ‘and’ in your sentences?


Send me pictures of your work on dojo please – It makes me so happy to see what you have been doing and I can award dojo points too!


Please also look at the spellings for this week. Even though you are not in school to have a spelling test, it is really important that you learn how to spell these words. Spelling them correctly will make your writing even more fantastic!


Please also read a Bug Club Book. If you practise your reading everyday, you will continue to improve and you will become a superstar reader!