Monday 1st February – Earls Hill Swans (Year 1) Maths

Hello Swans!

Today we will be starting a new topic – adding by counting on.

Firstly, let’s practise counting up to 20. Here is a video to sing along to!

Watch this video first. It introduces the concept of counting on.

Now, see if you can follow this video. This will explain our new topic, and is the introduction to the work for today.

Here is the worksheet to go with the video: 


Now let’s have a go at adding with things you have at home. What can you find to count with? You could try some pasta

Or some pencils

Or maybe some sweets!

Start with six of your chosen item. Add on five more. How many do you have now? Tell your grownup! Now try with your number line from your resource pack. Start on six and then add on five more. What do you notice? Is it the same as when you tried with your chosen item? Can you write out the number sentence to show this addition?

6 + 5 =

Let’s try another one. Start with thirteen of your chosen item. Add on four. How many do you have now? Now try on your number line. Start on thirteen and then add on four more. How many do you have now? Can you write out the number sentence to show this addition?

13 + 4 =

Let’s try one more. Start with three of your chosen item. Add on twelve more. That’s a lot! How many do you have now? Can you do this addition on your number line? Can you write out the number sentence to show this addition?

3 + 12 =

Well done everyone, that was brilliant adding!

Here is a link to an online addition game. I think you could set the robots to add numbers to 20! There is a number line along the bottom of the page to help with your adding.