Monday 25th January – Earls Hill Swans (Year 1) Maths

Please start with the counting activity I have set as a 2do on Purple Mash. Log on and click on the 2do tab. The activity is called ‘Fairy Tale Counting’

Today we are going to be learning about 3D shapes. Here is a song about 3D shapes.

3D shapes are not flat shapes, they are three dimensional. Here is a video to explain more.

Here is the worksheet to accompany the video.


The second half of the sheet uses 3D shapes. If you have a set of traditional toy wooden building blocks, you may find some of 3D shapes in the set. You could also use everyday 3D shapes from around your home. Some of them might be tricky to find, especially the pyramid and cone shaped objects. Here is a list and some pictures of 3D objects I found around the house to help you. Make collecting the resources into a shape hunt challenge. How many spheres can your child find? How many cubes? And so on.

Sphere Cube Cuboid Cylinder Pyramid Cone




threading beads



ice cubes

Oxo/stock cubes

cereal boxes

toothpaste tube boxes




toilet/kitchen rolls



some tea bags.



ice cream cones


party hats



You might need to adapt the questions on the second half of the sheet slightly to suit the resources you  have. Question 2a) can be completed by looking at the picture. Question 2b) could be adapted so that your child is not making a train, but any model the would like using 3 cubes, 2 spheres and a cone. I have tried to make a model using these shapes, the picture is below! Question 2c) could again be any model your child would like using the shapes, but you may have to miss out any of the 3D shapes you cannot find in your home.