Our first full week back!

We have had a super fun filled first week back in Earl’s Hill. The children have settled back into our routines fantastically and are enjoying learning lots of new things.

Our new Geography topic this half term is ‘Weather patterns’. We have been really interested in looking at the weather forecast each day and have been keeping a weather diary in our classroom. We talked about the different types of seasonal and daily weather we see. The children were however very disappointed that we didn’t have any snow on Monday after seeing it on the forecast for that evening!

Our Year One children have started focusing on our new Literacy text, ‘The Lion Inside’. On Thursday we discussed with our talking partners how we think Mouse feels at different points in the story. We then used our phonics to write words and create posters. On Monday we will use these to help us write sentences in our books.

Our new Science topic focuses on ‘Materials and their properties’. Today our reception children enjoyed a materials hunt outside and found lots of items made of out of wood, plastic and metal!

The Year One children enjoyed working together to predict what may happen in our experiment. We talked about which item may be most absorbent and therefore best at clearing up our water spillage.


Reception children have been working extremely hard in Maths this week. We have been using five frames to help us with our counting. Today we talked about different positions. We also read ‘Were going on a bear hunt’ to support our understanding of over and under.



Another great week Earl’s Hill. Well done!