Our first week back after half term

What a lovely first week back we have had after the half term break. We have been very busy and have been enjoying observing our new friends- the caterpillars!

On Tuesday in RE to begin our new topic we looked at different pictures of our world. We talked about what a creator would be like.

In Music we are recapping on the songs we have learnt over the year. We took it in turns to stand at the front and help our friends remember the lyrics.

Reception children have been reading the hungry caterpillar story. We have been sequencing the story and ordering the days of the week.

Reception children have enjoyed predicting what our new literacy text will be about. We talked about the setting and what we think the characters might be doing.

On Friday we discussed time in reception. We looked at pictures from when we were babies and toddlers and compared them to how we look now.

The whole class enjoyed going onto the field to look for leaves as part of our science/understanding the world topic.

On Friday we moved our chrysalis to the net. We can’t wait to watch them transform into butterflies.